
CollegeWell FAQs

What is CollegeWell?

CollegeWell is a new website to help families find their footing as they plan, save and pay for college.

What should I expect with CollegeWell?

The CollegeWell website features expert guidance and genuine support – from the member colleges in Private College 529 Plan, financial advisor partners, as well as other parents on a similar path as you.

Did Private College 529 Plan go away?

No. Private College 529 Plan did not go away. In fact, it is not changing at all — except for a new logo. All current features and benefits of the plan remain the same.

Has Private College 529 Plan been sold?

No. We remain fully owned by the member colleges that participate in Private College 529 Plan.

I am a current account owner. What changes should I expect?

None. All current account features and personalized settings (like username, password, auto-contributions, etc.) remain unchanged.

I am in the process of opening a Private College 529 account. Does this impact me?

No. If you started to open a Private College 529 account, you can log back in anytime to complete the process. All progress will be saved.

I still have a few questions. Is there anyone I can contact?

Absolutely. You can contact us at 888.718.7878 or by email at [email protected].

Our 529 Plan

Protect against rising tuition

Lock in tuition at hundreds of colleges nationwide. Guaranteed prepaid tuition with no fees and no state residency requirements to save.