
Welcome IMPACT 2022 Advisors

Partnering with Private College 529 Plan offers a savings solution for clients and much more. We're a resource so you can stay informed on the latest trends in higher education finances — plus other college topics clients care about. Get started here.

Our plan

Private College 529 Plan is a prepaid tuition plan that locks in current rates to save on future tuition. Clients save at nearly 300 private colleges and universities nationwide — all in one plan. Plus, their prepaid tuition is guaranteed by our participating schools for up to 30 years. Every dollar your client saves goes to pay for future tuition. There are no fees, and market risk is minimal. No matter how much tuition increases over the years, your client’s prepaid tuition rate remains locked in at all participating schools.

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The power of prepaids

Are you looking to help clients create a well-balanced savings portfolio for college? Prepaid plans, like Private College 529, could be the answer. Check out analysis by Brian Boswell, CFP, President and Founder of 529 Expert, LLC.

Read The Optimal College Savings Portfolio >>

Upcoming advisor education

The Latest on the Changing Financial Aid Landscape
November 15, 2022, 3:00 pm EDT (LIVE)

With Notre Dame and University of Southern California 

Changes are coming to financial aid, and you and your clients will want to be prepared. Join senior-level financial aid administrators from Notre Dame and USC who will lead us through the changes and address the implications for your clients.


Enroll in the Plan today to lock in current tuition rates — and start saving.